Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Riddle me this...

I watched CNN this morning as they reported on the recent "insurgent" attacks in Mosul a question and a criticism came to mind.

First, when did we start referring to non-military personell who take up arms and use tactics to inspire widespread fear and panic among a populace as insurgents? Between the recent rocket attack or suicide bombing in Mosul and the attacks on Iraqi election officials it seems to me that the "insurgents" act a lot like terrorists.

Before I pose my second question/criticism readers may need a brief history refresher, so first click here, here, and here...

For those of you that didn't want to check out the links they are simply biographies of past American Presidents. Andrew Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Zachary Taylor. All of which served the office with distinction, and all of which were more than simple politicians. Jackson was a veteran and a hero by the time he had taken office( Battle of New Orleans), as was Roosevelt ( Lt. Col. of the Rough Riders) and Taylor spent 40 years in military service and was credited with maintaining the Union during the early rumblings of southern cessesionists.

While listening to the report of Pres. Bush sending his condolences to the families of troops killed in the recent "insurgent" action in Mosul I felt along with sadness for those who were killed a bit of anger and disgust at our modern politicians. I am not harping on Repulicans today, nor Democrats, the President, nor Congress. My complaint is against the whole slew. It is a cry against all that would support a war without ever having known battle. Against those that would send the children, brothers, sisters, fathers, and mothers to die and go to all extent to keep their own uninvolved. How many Senators or Congressmen have family that are in Iraq or Afghanistan? Why was one of the main topics of the recent Presidential election based on trying to prove which candidate actually followed their commitments to the military and which may have been lying about their service? It is a disturbing that this occurs, but perhaps even more disturbing is that we, as a nation, tolerate such behavior. Perhaps, over the last several decades we have been conditioned to accept hypocracy as a form of governing, or perhaps, we have been ground neath the heel of the political aristocracy that we feel that there is no choice, no other option than accept a group of businessmen, bankers, and war mongering cowards as our masters. Unfortunately, the truth may lie in a more mundane region than all this. Perhaps our nation as a whole has grown more apathetic, to pathalogical proportions that undermine the very definition of democracy. How can a people lead their own destiny when we barely lift our faces from the muck of tedium and our own microcosm and are only vaguely aware of the world around us. Perhaps those in offices of power are there because the new ignorant masses have bent our backs to allow their ascension. For a final ort of information to chew and roll around your mental teeth contrast this (or any of the presidential biographies for the last 30 years) with those that have been previously mentioned.

As I close this complaint I leave those of you who have read thus far with a thought from one of the great minds of our day. Not usually known for his political views Albert Einstien once said "All of us who are concerned for peace and triumph of reason and justice must be keenly aware how small an influence reason and honest good will exert upon events in the political field."

Good day.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Warp factor love baby!

For us that don't care about the prime directive...
lets go from warp factor 9 to warp factor love!!!

Finally folks the holidays are here! I will bee outta the lab for the next few days so I hope to catch up on the blogging, until then enjoy...

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Dude! Finally some research that we need!

(Please note: heavy sarcasm ahead)

I have finally witnessed a good use for research funds! Forget AIDS, cancer, and genetic disorder research! Those guys were all yesterday's news. Now this guy has the right line of questions to ask.

Dude -- professor studies 'dude'
A linguist from the University of Pittsburgh has published a scholarly paper deconstructing and deciphering the word "dude," contending it is much more than a catchall for lazy, inarticulate surfers, skaters, slackers and teenagers.
Kiesling says in the fall edition of American Speech that the word derives its power from something he calls cool solidarity -- an effortless kinship that's not too intimate.
Cool solidarity is especially important to young men who are under social pressure to be close with other young men, but not enough to be suspected as gay.
In other words: Close, dude, but not that close.

So dude, seriously, I think we could find better uses of time and money don't you?

Friday, December 03, 2004

Its Friday

It is 10:45 on a Friday you know where Jon Phipps is???
Thats right! At home writing a blog!
Well it's not like I didn't try tonight. In fact, most fellow geeks would be proud!
I went out to eat with some friends of mine, to a little place called Don Pablos...You might have heard of it? no? well thats ok. Anyway, there was this waitress you see, about 5'6" blonde hair, blue eyes, smelled of a mix of jasmine and sweet heaven...
I can say that I tried.
I really tried.
The conversation read like this; she said " Hey, you must be Jon?" (my friends had told her I was on the way there) I said "yes, yes I am! I don't think I have had the pleasure [of knowing your name]." ( yeah I know, cheese factor of like 80 but thats what I said) she smiled sweetly and replied with her name to which I came back with "beautiful name for an equally beautiful young lady" (cheese factor still climbing) she smiled and went on with her work. As the meal progressed I continued to talk to her occasionally, even noticing and commenting on her exquisite perfume. Strange that it was noticible over the mexican food, but she did talk for a bit and offered her wrist for me to smell. I thought all was lost when she actually said " yeah it's not really a perfume, its an body doesnt do well with perfume, but if I use a lot of oil it works pretty well." Long story short I was feeling pretty good until this smelly ass abercrombie and fitch frat boy reject saunters in and sits down at the table behind me. The next thing I know he is talking up the waitress and having good luck at it. Of course who am I to compete with a guy that manages to grunt out a whole sentence and chug a pint of pilsner in under a minute while forcing out said sentence.
Hell, I know I am no Brad Pitt, but I am no Clint Howard by any means. I am educated, have interesting hobbies, I even have a motorcycle. Unfortunately, for me I suppose I don't go thru the A&F catalog and pick out my preppy/grunge look. Nor do I have the "Look at me I can talk and drink at the same time!" ability. Instead I sit here writing a blog that falls on deaf ears... A cry of futility echoed everywhere...

Hail Our Robot Masters!!!

The next thing I expect is a knock at the door and a big Austrian guy to say "Are you Sara Connor?"
ORLANDO, Florida -- Hunting for guerillas, handling roadside bombs, crawling across the caves and crumbling towns of Afghanistan and Iraq -- all of that was just a start. Now, the Army is prepping its squad of robotic vehicles for a new set of assignments. And this time, they'll be carrying guns

My only question is where can I get a few of these? I have always wanted an evil empire policed by the cold metallic tread of autonamatons!! Or zombies...I would settle for an army of them...or maybe winged ferrets! With lasers!

Monday, November 29, 2004


Hey folks welcome back from the slaughtering and consumption of the great turkey beast (keep in mind I am not referring to killing camel turkeys, only regular ones)! Quick updates: My family is insane (but that's okay since I am sure yours is too), I am currently writing my thesis, consumerism is running rampant, and most importantly I have returned for more blogging!
As I often look for the silver lining in most things I had some good news in my email inbox today. My friend Mark wrote to tell me that he and my other friend Todd have landed safely in Kuwait. Now, I know that them being in hostile territory is by no means a good thing, but I have decided to be thankful for every piece of information I get that tells me that they are okay.
Well anyways back to working...

Monday, November 22, 2004

Ok, well I don't know Where to even start with this one...

Five hunters gunned down in Wisconsin woods
Sheriff's deputies are investigating the killings of five hunters Sunday in northwest Wisconsin -- bloodshed apparently sparked by a dispute over a hunting spot. A suspect has been arrested.

"This is completely nuts," said Chief Deputy Tim Zeigle of the Sawyer County Sheriff's Department. "Why? I mean, five people dead because somebody was trespassing on property. It makes no sense."

I mean on one hand it did happen in Wisconsin, which opens it up to the "Red State" thing, as well as to the yankee thing.
On the other hand I deer hunt myself and have often thought about what it would be like to bag the most dangerous animal: Man...

Monday, November 15, 2004

When in Houston, TX never go out drinking with three boys from Dublin, or How I learned to love my toilet...

Well I have made my glorious return from Houston!! Alive, no less! I had a great trip, met some interesting people, found out that the irish can hold their liquor!

First, I would like to brag for a bit. I had to present data at a surgical society meeting which, for those of you who may not know surgeons, can be a bit taxing as they tend to have a bit of issue with those of us whom are not in the profession. Despite this I managed to wow the entire crowd with my talk. Several actually found me afterwards to congratulate me on a fine job! Which is where my new buddies from the emerald isle came in...

Friday night after the presentations the society that was hosting the conference arranged for drinks and food at the field where the Houston Astros play (Rock!). It was here that I met Jon, Will, and Mark. They were three nice lads from Ireland that had presented in the same room as myself, so we sat down and had a few...and then a few more. After this reception on of the fellows suggested we find a nice pub and sit down for a few more. Once this bar decided it was time to close Jon suggested we move up the street to another place that was open later. By this time I had downed a pint of hard cider as well as several pints of Guiness on top of several beers at the baseball stadium, which for those of you that know me, can already see this was a bad situation. At the new bar the lads continued to buy round after round, which migrated from beers to jack and cokes...It was after about four of these that I noticed that things were not ok. For one the waitress kept asking me if I was irish as well, strange question since I have a decent southern accent...This was followed by Jon's observational comment of "Good lord he's turned into a scotsman!" This was soon backed up by Will and Mark who insisted for some reason that I was speaking with a scottish accent as well as using slang...
I solved this problem by drinking more.
Finally, after the second bar closed its doors we decided that there had to be somewhere in Texas that would still serve, so out on the street we went...
It was at this point that an asian kid in a big ass SUV pulls up to a stoplight, I'm not sure what all was said but he then tells us to get in to his truck and he would give us a ride to another night club... I think at some point I muttered something about this being a bad idea adding that we may end up face down with ball gags in our mouths...or something of the such. At any rate we finally end up at said night spot, which even in my condition I could see wasn't a great place to be for various reasons, foremost it had beds along the walls...
Cut to 6 am on Saturday when this last place closed this time things are starting to get really hairy, well the parts I remember anyways. These parts include being tossed out on the street, running from at least 1 very large, angry, homeless guy, jumping into another car with someone else after running from said homeless guy, and finally ending up in the hotel lounge with Jon and Will digging around behind the bar for more to drink...

Then it was Saturday...full of fun and nausea...well at least for a few hours as I finally regained conciousness at about 6 that evening...

Lesson: Even though Irish surgeons are cool to hang out with never ever EVER go round for round with them!


Monday, November 08, 2004

Blogging schedule

For all 3 of you that regularly read about my shenanigans I would like to say thanks for bearing with me over this past week of no blogging. I have been putting together presentations and posters for an upcoming meeting in Houston, TX. I will be leaving Wednesday and returning on Sunday, so I am guessing this will be the final entry until my return. Once I do get back expect a whole new season of madness as the true season of madness...err...Christmas descends upon us!!!

BTW Halo 2 release is less than 15 hrs away

Sunday, October 31, 2004

yet again...

What is it with me? Am I cursed? I am cursed. That is all I can figure. I just met another young lady today...seemed nice talked for a while...then she tells me she sees dead people on top of being a magnet for the paranormal. She is also an amateur ghost hunter. Good Lord this makes 2 of these in the past 3 months. Add this to the witch and I am beginning to think I am a magnet myself.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Overheard in the lab this morning...

There are a lot of chinese grad students that mill around the hallway outside of my lab and office. Today I heard a disturbing conversation between one of them and their american lab tech.
It went something like this:

Grad student (GS): So is there anywhere here that people eat cat?
Lab tech (LT): I don't think so.
GS: Is it illegal to eat cat?
LT: No I think it is legal, just not popular. Besides cats are kinda small, not much meat on them.
GS: Hmm...Chinese also like rabbit. Do you like rabbit?
LT: I don't think I have tried it...

Brightened my day howabout yours?

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Official Halloween Garb...

Well, unfortunately due to problems locating proper costume material I will be unable to recreate the much loved Lloyd Dobbler. As heartbroken as I am I know the ladies out there are even moreso (lets face it the ladies love Lloyd!!). Fortunately, after the first week of not being able to turn up the right style of trenchcoat nor white Nikes with the orange swoop I devised an alternative plan. This year for Halloween I will be...Drum roll please.....

The Star Wars Geek!!!
Yes, I will be the nerdy guy with thick glasses that is 25 and still lives in his parents basement playing Star Wars role playing games with my best friend since elementary school as well as the "lame" kids from the neighborhood. For a visual think Napoleon Dynamite dressed as a dark jedi! A 20th level dark jedi with force choke and force lightning ability!!! I mean, gah, don't be such an idiot of course as a dark jedi master I can use force choke and force lightning!! I will also have my trusty lightsaber with 2 different kinds of power crystals.
Frightening Non?

Monday, October 25, 2004

More Evidence of the Phipps Effect

Well this weekend was an interesting one to say the least...

I had a date on Sunday.
The date was with a witch.
A pushy witch.
Why God?

I have to say this was a new one for me. I have dated bitches, but never witches. Well until yesterday anyways. The really sad part to all of this is even though I really was terrified by this whole thing and really didnt want to see her again I think she blew me off.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

needed to get this out

Normally for my blog I like to find some stupid little tidbit or piece of political drivel and harp on it in as humorous way as possible. Today though I just want to tell everyone about a friend of mine. He is a Sgt. in the National Guard 278th ACR, and will be shipping out for Iraq in a few short weeks. He is one of 3 of my friends that are either currently in training or are about to be deployed (I am not ommitting them, I plan to talk about both in the upcoming weeks). I have to admit the thought of not seeing my buddy for a year or more tears me up. I would give anything if I could change places with him so he could stay at home with his wife and daughter, but I suppose we all have out path set out for each of us in different directions. Anyway, I guess the point of this is to say that my thoughts and prayers are with you Mark (Todd and Christian as well), come home safe.

Oh yeah, remember winning hearts and minds isn't all that hard...It's getting their owners to hold still long enough to get them out that's the real bitch!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Being Anit-Bush Sparks Outrage!!!

From across the pond it seems those kooky brits are at it again...

LONDON, England (Reuters) -- A pro-Kerry letter-writing campaign by Britain's left-leaning Guardian newspaper, targeting undecided U.S. voters, has provoked outrage across the Atlantic.

The paper has encouraged its readers to express their opinions on the November 2 presidential election to voters in the key swing state of Ohio -- to the fury of Clark county.

The response from Americans?

"Hey England, Scotland and Wales, mind your own business. We don't need weenie-spined Limeys meddling in our presidential election," was one of the e-mail reactions to the campaign.

Good show old man. Good show.

Why does the rest of the world think we are turning into a society of barely literate neandertals?

Monday, October 18, 2004

correct me if I'm wrong

So I was watching the news the other day, and one of the reporters was giving an account of the reaction from the Cheney family about the last debate. Lynne Cheney was having a hissy about the fact that Kerry had brought up the subject of her daugheter's sexuality. I believe she was upset that John Kerry had the audacity to pull her family into the political arena or something. Strange thing is I remember Dicky boy talking about how he and the president disagree on the gay marriage/civil rights thing because of his daughter's sexual preferences... Interesting...

Thursday, October 14, 2004

I always knew it!!!

Ha Ha! I always knew I was being opressed by the man (just never really knew why). Finally today I have a new group that I can associate with, as reported on

Study: One in 100 adults asexual
LONDON, England (CNN) -- About one percent of adults have absolutely no interest in sex, according to a new study, and that distinction is becoming one of pride among many asexuals.

Thats right people, I am asexual. There I said it. I feel so relieved that its out there!!!

Wait...what the hell do they mean it has to be a disinterest in sex???? Damn.

Okay, I am part of another group who's day is coming: The unwilling asexuals!!!
Our chant shall be heard across the land: We're here, We'll buy your beer, okay maybe next time then.

O' Redux

My friend Chris Neal had this little jewel on his website today:

Fox News Channel traded accusations Wednesday with one of the producers of Bill O'Reilly's show, with the woman alleging that the commentator had phone sex with her against her wishes three times. Fox in a claim of its own dismissed the sexual harassment complaint as a politically motivated extortion attempt.

After reading the transcript of the lawsuit I had to get in on the action. I just want to say one thing, reading this was like watching a train wreck; you get kinda nauseas through most of it, but at the same time it is kinda funny...well in a sick perverted Bill O' Reilly has a vibrator in his bum kinda way...

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

sometimes I wonder...

Okay for the last little while I have been leaning more and more to the left, with the impending elections and all, which is why I think this bothers me so much...

LONDONDERRY, New Hampshire (AP) -- The school board has voted to ban a photo of a student from the senior section of his high school yearbook because he is posed with a shotgun.

If any of you care to look at the pic you will notice that it shows a kid in full trap and skeet shooting gear with a broken down shotgun on his shoulder. Now I could understand a problem with a picture of a kid holding up a liquor store with said shotgun...

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Mother of all that is holy!!!

I couldn't resist throwing this one at ya...


WASHINGTON - A cartoonish painting of President Bush (news - web sites) in the nude has been taken down from the wall at the City Museum of Washington. The picture, called "Man of Leisure, King George," adopts the pose of a famous Impressionist painting, Edouard Manet's "Olympia," that scandalized Paris in 1863, and now hangs in the Gare d'Orsay Museum in Paris.

The painting by local artist Kayti Didriksen, shows a caricature of Bush, reclining in the nude on a chaise lounge, his head propped up by pillows.
Instead of the female servant who stands behind Olympia's couch, a man in suit and tie resembling Vice President Dick Cheney (news - web sites) stands nearby, holding a cushion with a crown and a miniature oil rig on top of it.

After seeing this...I...will the same...

Still Blogging away

For the 3 of you that read my Blog just wanted to let you all know that I am in the middle of experiments, writing my thesis, and studying to retake the GRE. All at once. This means unfortunately the frequency of my blogging is liable to slip for the next few weeks. Please bear with me.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Halloween plans!!!

Well My favorite holiday of the year is coming up...Yes, thats right halloween (I realize this makes me a godless heathen)!! This year I have a great and original (not to mention cheap) idea for a costume...The one, the only Lloyd Dobler! That's right folks the Lloyd Dobler from Say Anything! Let me know what you think!

PS Thanks to my buddy Chris for hooking me up with a Peter Gabriel album as well as possibly a trenchcoat!

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Well, It's Official... today reported today that it has been officially announced that Iraq had no weapons of Mass Distruction, nor the capability to produce them.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Contradicting the main argument for a war that has cost more than 1,000 American lives, the top U.S. arms inspector reported Wednesday that he found no evidence that Iraq produced any weapons of mass destruction after 1991. He also concluded that Saddam Hussein's weapons capability weakened during a dozen years of U.N. sanctions before the U.S. invasion last year.

Way to go W! You lying fucktard!

My question is why did we have an impeachment hearing for Clinton over what amounted to lying about a blow job, but we tolerate Jr. pulling a stunt that has cost over 1,000 American and God only knows how many Iraqi lives?

Monday, October 04, 2004


NEWS FLASH: Young Monkey King dropped like a hot potato!!! Yes folks, yet again, against all odds young Mr. Monkey King has been inexplicably dumped by a member of the opposite sex!!! Shocking? Yes. Altogether unexpected? Hell no! Given the fact that this little lass was physically attractive and SANE! Those were the reports from the scene today as told by eyewitnesses.
"It was strange really," said one woman," This girl was beautiful, had a career in mind for herself, was interested in listening to talk of research, and acted as if she may have actually enjoyed time with Mr. Monkey King!!!"
Sadly, this interest was cut short when a couple of dates were broken, phone calls were left unreturned, and questions were left unanswered. What happenned you ask? Well we have an expert opinion from one top level NASA consultant: "You see, Mr. Monkey King suffers from an as of yet unexplained phenomena that some have termed "The Phipps Effect". It seems this "Phipps Effect" is much akin to a cosmic S.N.A.F.U., in which against all logic, reason, and in some cases even violating mathematical and statistical models, situations that seem to be absolutely normal burst into the proverbial flames." He went on to state that "This recent unexplainable dumping is just the last in a long line of relationship malfunctions that have left it's victim hopelessly addicted to Xbox and porn." Unfortunately, according to another highly placed government science advisor, until more is known about this "Phipps Effect" there is little that can be done to help those who suffer from it. Stay tuned to Marker XIV for more details, as well as historical evidence for this bizzare occurrence as they become available. Until then, this is your on site reporter Insert Random Name Here, signing off...

Friday, October 01, 2004

For those of you who didn't know....

Since it is entirely possible that one person may have been hiding under a rock or in a cave last night and missed the presidential debates I took the time today to look out for you!

First, if you did miss the poitical action last night, or even if you didn't, and are still undecided here is a page that may give you a different outlook on the candidates! That's right folks who would your favorite superhero and or villain vote for and why!!!!

Second, as most of you realize, with the fight for presidency image is everything! I think the ability to view John Kerry as an albino will open your mind to that fact! Or, if you prefer, Mr. Bush...

Hate to go but duty calls...

Thursday, September 30, 2004

I'm scared now

Just finished the viewing the, I mean debate. Did anyone notice that Dubya can't pronounce nuclear?

Pronunciation: 'nookleeur

[adj] constituting or like a nucleus; "annexation of the suburban fringe by the nuclear metropolis"; "the nuclear core of the congregation"
[adj] weapons using atomic energy; "nuclear war"; "nuclear weapons"; "atomic bombs"
[adj] (physics) of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of an atom; "nuclear physics"; "nuclear fission"; "nuclear forces"
[adj] (biology) of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of a cell; "nuclear membrane"; "nuclear division

Call me crazy but that scares the shit outta me!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2004


I never was a huge KISS fan, but when you're right...well... you're right

Kiss front man Gene Simmons urges all men to resist the temptation to marry, and save themselves stacks of money at the same time.
"Always be honest with a woman. It's not beneficial for a man to marry. The worst thing a man can do is get married because he has to give 50 per cent of his gross pre-tax dollars to a woman who has given him nothing, apart from companionship."
"That's more than the taxes you pay to the government which gives you nuclear armed forces, military, police and infrastructure."

Ok, ok this may be sour grapes on my part, but hey I'm glad to hear someone else say that marriage is overrated!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004


As many of my close friends know I will be finishing up with my M.S. in Comparative and Experimental Medicine very soon. I want a Ph.D., and I have a very sound idea for a reseach project that would provide ample material to do this. My problem is that I am now in a lab that, although there may be interest in what I want to do, my current mentor will be of very little help for my proposed project as he has no experience with genetics or molecular biology. The other programs around UT that deal with genetics and molecular bio have little or no interest, or experience with inflammation. Further, during my time in my current lab I have felt fairly unappreciated for most of my 2.5 years here, on top of this I am currently working in a vacuum as I am the only grad student here (in fact I am the only other person in the lab besides my mentor). So what do I do?
My choices as I see them are to either A) drop my ambitions of the research that I want to do for the next 3-5 years while I work on my PhD in another lab/program and hope that no one else gets the same idea I had, or B) Stay in the same program that I have been in and work towards my PhD with the same problems of not having any sort of guidance or support aside from the limited amount that my current mentor can supply.
The likelyhood of the project that I have recently proposed still being novel and cutting edge in 3-5 years is slim to none. The probability of me learning much more where I am now (not to mention being able to really get done what I want to do) is about as bright.
Anybody have any ideas? Another option?

Friday, September 24, 2004

What the...???

Okay, don't get me wrong here, I'm not a Bush fan by any means but haven't we heard this one before?

To douse the spread of terrorism, Kerry proposed policies aimed at denying individuals and groups the ability to organize and attack. Kerry said he would build a better military and intelligence apparatus to go after enemies, deny terrorists weapons and financing, move against worldwide terrorist havens and recruitment centers, and promote freedom and democracy in Muslim nations.

This is all fine and good Mr. Kerry, but wasn't this the same plan W keeps spouting out between mindless ramblings? Details man! First off you should have them and second you should share them with the rest of us if you expect us to vote for you. Dubya may be for lack of a better term "special" but at least he is a known quantity of it.

Monday, September 20, 2004

It's great to be a Tennessee Vol

Well Saturday I was lucky enough to have scored a ticket to the UT vs. Folrida game. Although I am not usually a huge football fan even I have to admit that this game rocked! With around 20 seconds to go in the fourth quarter UT trailed by a single point (due to a botched extra point attempt on the previous touchdown). With the ball sitting around the 45 yardline James Wilhoit, the kicker whom 5 minutes earlier missed the extra-point kick that would have tied the game, miraculously made the 50 yard field goal giving the vols the win at 30-28! You couldn't have written a better game!

Friday, September 17, 2004

mmmm...political dookie

Well it seems dubyah has a "commonsense practical plan to make high-quality health care more affordable and more accessible," according to While in the same speech he went on to say that "My opponent wants government to dictate. I want you to decide, when it comes to health care."

Bush's proposals include letting small businesses pool resources to buy health insurance at the same discounts available to larger companies. He also favors expanding tax-free health saving accounts for individuals and plans to propose a tax credit to help poor families and individuals buy health coverage. Further, he wants to have health centers in the poorest communities to serve the underprivileged.
Bush has called for a medical liability overhaul to limit malpractice awards and, he argues, drive down health care costs.

After reading this it looks like Mr. Bush's plans could be viewed in one of two ways; the first wayis that he is trying to give individuals and small business the financial means to care for themselves. The other side of this looks like a payoff deal, "look I will give you as an individual some money that you can use to find your own health insurance, but this will mean large companies can be less accountable in providing it for you. This plan also reeks of the trickle down economics of R-R-Ronnie Reagan with the idea of limiting malpractice awards." I realize I was young in the 80's, but I seem to remember that this idea didn't work then either!

Anyway I had some help doing some digging (thank you Mr. Neal) and so far here is what the Bush Plan has gotten us (pay particular attention to the healthcare parts).

In my humble opinion the numbers are speaking for themselves (and spin free). Further, I don't think medical malpractice has as much to do with rising insurance costs as good old fashioned greed. Not that I am condemning that fact, I mean hell our whole society is based on it. I just don't want to be fed a turd and told it is a snickers bar!

Thursday, September 16, 2004

My God evolution is a reversible process

Ya know I have seen some stupid people in my day (you know who you are) but I believe this kid takes the cake! Let's hope he tries this trick again on his balls before he can reproduce.

Local Pride

God help me for including this on my blog. Normally I try to avoid any Jackass alums like the plague, unfortunately I have an overdeveloped sense of pride regarding k-town...

Empire Online reports that Johnny Knoxville is in final talks to star in "Daltry Calhoun", a Miramax movie about the head of a golfing empire who struggles to keep things together when his estranged 14 year-old daughter suddenly shows up and throws his life into chaos. Juliette Lewis, Elizabeth Banks and David Koechner will co-star in the flick, which is set coincidentally enough in Knoxville, Tennesse. It's also another example of how busy the former "Jackass" star is with Farrelly Brothers-produced comedy, "The Ringer" due shortly, he's currently filming skateboard drama "Lords Of Dogtown", and last week he signed on to star in "The Dukes Of Hazzard".

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Find your inner Pirate for International Talk like a Pirate day!! Sept 19th

AArrghh ye can call me The Cap'n

Profile: Some men and women are born great, some achieve greatness and some slit the throats of any scallawag who stands between them and the mantle of power. You never met a man - or woman - you couldn't eviscerate. Not that mindless violence is the only avenue open to you - but why take an avenue when you have complete freeway access? You are the definitive Man of Action. You are James Bond in a blousy shirt and drawstring-fly pants. You are Charlie's Angels without so much "Charlie" and decidedly light on the "Angel." Your swash was buckled long ago and you have never been so sure of anything in your life as in your ability to bend everyone - Man, Woman or Individual of Transgender or indecipherable Sexual Identification - to your will. You will call anyone out and cut off their head if they show any sign of taking you on or backing down. You cannot be saddled with tedious underlings, but if one of your lieutenants shows an overly developed sense of ambition he may find more suitable accommodations in Davy Jones' locker. That is, of course, IF you notice him. You tend to be self absorbed - a weakness that may keep you from seeing enemies where they are and imagining them where they are not.

Who be ye?

Captain Jon Kidd

With all the decadence of ancient Rome

By the beard of Jupiter!! Well here is yet another example of how our government responds to the problems of its people. Oh well it's not like this is the first time congress has given itself a payraise without people knowing about it. Actually I admire the legislative branch for being so clever as to put their payroll under their own control. I think we should all try this. So tomorrow go into work and inform your boss that a vote has just been held and you will now receive a $4 an hour pay increase!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

bend this baby....

Well today during lunch I happenned across a copy of a paper called the Hellbender Press. It is a local rag that specializes in environmental and animal welfare issues. Normally that is the kind of thing that I am in great support of. I mean hell we all have to share our little rock, and not just with other Homo sapiens, but one article in this issue in particular sat me off. It was a write up talking about the unethical and cruel treatment of animals in scientific research. This was also an article that cited a lot of the dribble that was being spouted from PETA. I am sorry people but get a frickin clue...If it wasn't for animal research you wouldn't be sitting around on your fat asses until age 80. You would have been dead a long time before the age of 50 without little things like antibiotics for example. Diseases like Diabetes would still mean slow painful lingering death, and organ transplants....forget those! Prior research (using animals) from the project I work on has been used to decrease the need for ventilators and stay time in intensive care units, not to mention decreased the mortality of people with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Well if you still want to argue that animals have just as many rights as people keep this in mind: Without animal testing the lives of our companions would be just as drastically decreased! Cats and dogs can become diabetic, there is such a thing as feline leukemia, and dogs do suffer from painful arthritis. All of which we can treat due to animal testing.

"But why can't we just use cells or a computer program or some other bullshit to do all this?" If people who say this crap had any idea of how intricate the cell to cell and system to system interactions are they would shit their pants and be in a corner sucking their thumb in wonder. The fact is time and time again in SCIENCE ,where things are tested (sometimes in animals), it has been shown time and time again that things that may seem like a good idea in cells or on paper can have disasterous results in vivo (that means in a living organism kiddies). I could spend the rest of the night citing examples. I'm sorry people but not once have I personally, nor have I ever seen anyone else mistreat a lab animal. Personally I know at the University of Tennessee it takes an act of friggin congress just to get an animal protocol approved, and that is only after you prove without a doubt that there is no other way to test your theory. So the next time you are kissing your grandparents for their 65th birthday, or you see a child with type 1 diabetes who lived past age 4 think about the work and sacrifices made by both the people and the animals that made that possible and fucking appreciate it. Because I will personally tell you killing an animal for science is not easy or fun, fact of the matter is it sucks. It sucks monkey balls, but it is a necessary evil. So deal with it.


Well today has been an eventful day for the old monkey! I have a lunch date this afternoon, which I am anticipating with great excitement! Also, I have been offerred a position as a reviewer for a website called rock confidential! Can I get a whoop whoop!!??

Monday, September 13, 2004

For those of a slight stature

Well For everyone who thought people couldnt possibly take compensation one step further....

Truck maker will sell giant pickup
Navistar starts marketing cement mixer-based truck that dwarfs the Hummer and the F-350.

For the love of all that is holy people if your member is that much below average let it go. Driving around in a cement truck won't help.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Ron Jeremy: The Man, The legend, the political speaker at UT???

Ok well if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it!!! (note this is one of those crappy links that wants you to log in first)

Porn movie actor-turned-cult figure Ron Jeremy and a Canadian feminist author will debate pornography at the University of Tennessee later this month.
The program is among the fall offerings from UT's student-driven Central Program Council.

You'd better believe I'm gonna be at this one!! Maybe I can get an in with the business as the fair skinned latin love machine Juan el Pesado!!

wow ok so Wal Mart is Evil...

check this out


Well I was happy for the weekend to have gotten here! I participated in a motorcycle poker run to benefit Childrens Hospital. It was a blast. I came out with a lousy pair of 7's however so needless to say the $250 jackpot went elswhere. I did make several new friends and acquaintances, and was invited to join a biker, riding club (they get testy when you say gang).

Last but not least, I would love to get some feedback and maybe some topics to rant about, so leave some comments people. Tell me your opinion and I'll tell you why you're wrong!!

wow ok so Wal Mart is Evil...

check this out

bye bye kitties!

When it comes to animals it really takes a lot for me to become annoyed. Unfortunately, the 2 cats I found the other day have reached that point. This occurred over a period of about 2 days.

Day 1: Cat A was found squatting over a pile of laundry having a nice relaxing piss.
Day 2: Cat B was found in my window sill with her paw in my ferrets cage swatting away at him.

So tomorrow the kitties have a new home!! The University of Tennessee's School of Vet Medicine blood donor program. Yay for kitties!! So brave for helping other animals!

Friday, September 10, 2004

seems odd

So I saw on today that Cheney was attempting to backpedal with the whole vote for us or die thing. Personally I just miss the days when politicians simply said "do what we say and be good citizens or Hannibal will eat your baby!!" Ok so I don't think it went exactly like that but I also don't think "Vote for Bush or terrarists will eat your baby" sits well either

No good deed goes unpunished...

About a week ago 2 tabby cats showed up on my door. Both were very friendly, talkative, and playful. Unfortunately both were very emaciated and neither seemed too concerned with passing traffic. What can I say, I am a sucker. So here I sit a week later with 2 cats that I neither want nor have room for.... So I guess the question is "Does anyone want 2 cats?" Let me put it another way:

2 cats:
Free to good home or for medical research

Thursday, September 09, 2004

ok not to be crass...

ah internet what joys lie in the dark recess of your bowels...
Why what about this little jewel

Just a thought....

Have people finally slipped over the edge of reason? I took a break from writing a few minutes ago and decided to catch up on the news. to be precise. Among the stories of more deaths in iraq, tales of genocide in the Sudan, damage and destruction brought on by hurricane Ivan I found a story that truly is the stuff of greek tragedy.

Why is this a headline? With all the things going on in the world this makes one of the top stories from a top national news provider. I know what will be said "People need a distraction", but are distractions the reason we are where we are in the world?

Ain't Karma Grand

Well for my first real entry I thought this little piece of humanity would be appropriate:
Dog Shoots Man.

This begs the question of just how did we become the dominant species on this planet?

Buenos Tardes Senors y senoritas

Greetings and Salutations to all who have ventured to this dark ominous corner of internet. Be warned that opinions expressed here are more likely than not designed to offend. More to come......