Friday, October 24, 2008


All I will say in this post is that FRIDAY IS HERE! Holy crap am I glad.

Thursday, October 09, 2008


I am in the market for a small calibur concealable handgun. I know I am likely to get a ton of comments about being a "gun nut" and about gun control, but I am not going about this lightly. I have recently taken a handgun safety course and applied for my concealed carry permit. My reasoning is this; First, there have been several high profile shootings, robberies, and kidnappings here in K-town of late. I know the likelyhood is still stacked way against any personal experiences, but I would rather know that I could protect myself and my wife if need be. Second, on the topic of the homefront, the last time I called 911 in my area there was a two week response time. No joke. There was a group trying to gain access to my neighbor's house so I called the sheriff's department. The group got in the storm door, tried for about 30 minutes to get into the inner door of the house, evidently got bored and left. Litterally, 2 weeks to the day the sheriff himself called and I quote said " Hello neighbor. I understand you had some problems a few days ago. Did you get everything taken care of?" So my guess is if anyone tried to break in to my house I won't have many options as far as appropriate responses go. In that case I would prefer to call and report myself firing on someone than my parents calling to report my or my wife's murder. As far as experience goes, I have handled guns since I was around 8 (under close adult supervision) and consider myself responsible.
I am considering a Walther .40 cal PPS. I like the idea of a 19 oz 3 inch .40 calibur. Although, I am also looking at the Taurus Millineum line. They manufacture a nice .45 that isn't much heavier (22oz) and about the same length.
The long and the short of it is that I feel strange even writing this, but like Bob Dylan said "the times they are a changin".

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Well as I said in the official try it again post I don't think I am going to talk about many deep topics this time around. One thing I would like to say though is that the NBC show HEROES is quite possibly one of the best on television. For about a season and a half now I have watched the show and had a slight tinge of disappointment after each episode. Nothing I can really explain, just the typical "TV is so contrived" feeling. On Monday night, however, my opinion changed dramatically! I think it is the first time I actually picked up on the fact that the entire show was shot as a live action comic book. Each scene frames the dramatic or important points in a still life portrait (or approximation thereof) reflecting a comic illustration. The dialogue, which at first seemed terse and one dimensional, is also written as if lifted from a speech bubble. Sub-titled scenes featuring Hiro and Ando have always thrown me off with the placement of the text, until I watched in the context of a comic.
So I know most readers will consider me a bit daft for not picking up on these points sooner, but honestly my thought processes just seem to flow along a different current. I think this "epiphany" has given me some insight into how I normally perceive the world, mainly by extracting the facts from a story and discarding "irrelevant" information such as style. This insight agrees with a personality test that I took a while back that labeled me as an introverted, intuitive, thinking, judgemental. Click to view my Personality Profile page
Maybe there is something to that whole Jung-Briggs-Myers thing after all. If anyone would like to take the time to take their own test I would love to see the results and discuss the accuracy.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Why not?

So a buddy of mine decided to reopen his blog a few days ago, which for whatever reason has rekindled my interest in the good ol' fashioned blog. It is strange to look back at things I said four years ago now and try to remember the thoughts that were bouncing around my head at the time. I don't know how much time I will have to keep up to date or to bitch about politics now that I am in a different program and am working in a productive lab. I guess time will tell.
It is also an odd notion to come back to a blog post facebook and myspace. It seems like although those sites are essentially the same thing the blogger sites of the world provide more of a blank page to compile thoughts on. In the end though it seems all things are vanity, I mean who really cares what one person says when the multitude screams to be heard? Not to sound Nhilistic.