Monday, October 06, 2008

Why not?

So a buddy of mine decided to reopen his blog a few days ago, which for whatever reason has rekindled my interest in the good ol' fashioned blog. It is strange to look back at things I said four years ago now and try to remember the thoughts that were bouncing around my head at the time. I don't know how much time I will have to keep up to date or to bitch about politics now that I am in a different program and am working in a productive lab. I guess time will tell.
It is also an odd notion to come back to a blog post facebook and myspace. It seems like although those sites are essentially the same thing the blogger sites of the world provide more of a blank page to compile thoughts on. In the end though it seems all things are vanity, I mean who really cares what one person says when the multitude screams to be heard? Not to sound Nhilistic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sure am screaming to be heard. AAAGGGHHH!!! Did you hear that, world?