Friday, September 24, 2004

What the...???

Okay, don't get me wrong here, I'm not a Bush fan by any means but haven't we heard this one before?

To douse the spread of terrorism, Kerry proposed policies aimed at denying individuals and groups the ability to organize and attack. Kerry said he would build a better military and intelligence apparatus to go after enemies, deny terrorists weapons and financing, move against worldwide terrorist havens and recruitment centers, and promote freedom and democracy in Muslim nations.

This is all fine and good Mr. Kerry, but wasn't this the same plan W keeps spouting out between mindless ramblings? Details man! First off you should have them and second you should share them with the rest of us if you expect us to vote for you. Dubya may be for lack of a better term "special" but at least he is a known quantity of it.


Handsome Monkey King said...

Well Mr. Neal I think I smell a gentlemanly wager coming along here... In fact I would stake a hundred pounds that you can't find a retarded monkey, give it head trauma, and get it elected to the presidency by november...

Anonymous said...

I know where to find a retarded monkey. And if he keeps riding his motorcycle around KnoxVegas, he'll soon have head trauma. - Greasy

P.S.- Why do I have to either log in or post anonymously?