Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Being Anit-Bush Sparks Outrage!!!

From across the pond it seems those kooky brits are at it again...

LONDON, England (Reuters) -- A pro-Kerry letter-writing campaign by Britain's left-leaning Guardian newspaper, targeting undecided U.S. voters, has provoked outrage across the Atlantic.

The paper has encouraged its readers to express their opinions on the November 2 presidential election to voters in the key swing state of Ohio -- to the fury of Clark county.

The response from Americans?

"Hey England, Scotland and Wales, mind your own business. We don't need weenie-spined Limeys meddling in our presidential election," was one of the e-mail reactions to the campaign.

Good show old man. Good show.

Why does the rest of the world think we are turning into a society of barely literate neandertals?

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