Thursday, October 21, 2004

needed to get this out

Normally for my blog I like to find some stupid little tidbit or piece of political drivel and harp on it in as humorous way as possible. Today though I just want to tell everyone about a friend of mine. He is a Sgt. in the National Guard 278th ACR, and will be shipping out for Iraq in a few short weeks. He is one of 3 of my friends that are either currently in training or are about to be deployed (I am not ommitting them, I plan to talk about both in the upcoming weeks). I have to admit the thought of not seeing my buddy for a year or more tears me up. I would give anything if I could change places with him so he could stay at home with his wife and daughter, but I suppose we all have out path set out for each of us in different directions. Anyway, I guess the point of this is to say that my thoughts and prayers are with you Mark (Todd and Christian as well), come home safe.

Oh yeah, remember winning hearts and minds isn't all that hard...It's getting their owners to hold still long enough to get them out that's the real bitch!!!

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