Thursday, October 14, 2004

I always knew it!!!

Ha Ha! I always knew I was being opressed by the man (just never really knew why). Finally today I have a new group that I can associate with, as reported on

Study: One in 100 adults asexual
LONDON, England (CNN) -- About one percent of adults have absolutely no interest in sex, according to a new study, and that distinction is becoming one of pride among many asexuals.

Thats right people, I am asexual. There I said it. I feel so relieved that its out there!!!

Wait...what the hell do they mean it has to be a disinterest in sex???? Damn.

Okay, I am part of another group who's day is coming: The unwilling asexuals!!!
Our chant shall be heard across the land: We're here, We'll buy your beer, okay maybe next time then.

1 comment:

Handsome Monkey King said...

I am not a hetero opressor, I am an involuntary asexual